Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Occupy Proves Relentless

On February 6th 2012 the Statesmen posted a blog about a recent set back in the Occupy Austin movement.
     On Monday February 3rd, Peace Officers and policemen went to City Hall to forcefully remove the pedestrians protesting with the Occupy movement. The Occupiers were also informed of City Hall's new rules and curfew: No one is from this point forward allowed to sleep at City Hall and the grounds close at 10pm and open again at 6am. Anyone found sleeping on the property during those hours will be asked to leave and if do not comply will be evicted.
     During the recent eviction no one was harmed, however apparently one of the Occupiers threw a can at a Peace Officer. Clearly this caused the officer much pain and discomfort as the man who allegedly threw the can was then arrested. The Can-Thrower's Occupy buddies denied the can-throwing ever happened. Seeing as we are a country that abides by "innocent until proven guilty"and Can-Thrower "couldn't be reached for comment", the possibly innocent Occupier was wheeled into custody.
     After the last of the Occupiers were escorted, Peace Officers and police found 30,000 dollars worth of damage done to City Hall by the movement participants, including painting, drawing, and sewage damage where people flushed paper towels and even attempted clothing.
      However, although this is a minor setback, Occupy participants say that this is almost "reinvigorated"the movement and given them an extra boost to persevere. After the participants were evicted from City Hall, they held a march to protest homelessness which drew extra attention to the movement and helped to enlighten several onlookers.
       I suggest reading this article because it's informative of the Occupy Austin movement as well as slightly humorous.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ha! I was so hoping that you'd comment on this! Thank you for setting all the facts right, I had already assumed that the article wasn't entirely accurate. I totally agree with the media always finding a way to skew details to favor the government. I'm not sure if you know Dr. Stephens, but I had him as my professor last semester and the man was genius. You two would get along great.
